This could become my favorite app game ever as I would love to have been a WWII fighter pilot. The graphics are the best Ive seen. And the fluidness of the aircraft movement is very realistic. But there are several bugs/ issues that need to fixed B4 it gets a 5 star evaluation.
1. You are only able to shoot the enemy aircraft that is targeted. Several times a Me-109 or Ju-88 flew through my sites while pursuing another target. You can not inflict damage to unhighlighted aircraft.
2. The german side AI is non-existent. I went through the entire campaign in one night w/o once being pursued by a German Me-109 let alone shot down! Even when I did get hit by the Ju-88 gunners there was no measurable damage to my aircraft ( unrealistic). Its not a true fight if the opponent cant fight back!
3. Even in realistic mode there was little gravity in effect affecting ones speed. My speed changed very little even in the vertical! In real flight ones altitude equals life and speed. There seems to be no consideration for the effect of gravity. I put the plane into a near verticle climb with zero power and continued to climb as my speed never dropped below 10 kts. Not realistic.
4. Fix the engine sound and replace the music with radio chatter for back ground for a more realistic feel. The Spitfire Merlin Engine has a beautiful growl. This has a wimpy sound that repeats so quickly it makes the engine sound like its dying.
5. No collisions occur between aircraft. I flew through other aircraft without consequences.
6. Remove the holographic enemy aircraft under the gun site. It serves no purpose and obscures ones shot!
7. Replace the time clock w/ a fuel gage for added realism.
8. What is the camera for? It can not be accessed after a mission or reviewed. Seems useless.
I think this game could be an awesome game with a few modifications!
MB891 about Warbirds Spitfire